Tuesday, September 9, 2008

TWD:Chocolate Malted Whopper Drops

Chocolate Malted Whopper Drops

Wow! I didn't realize it had been a week since I posted a recipe on here. This recipe was our second cookie recipe in a row. Complete with ovaltine and whoppers I was excited for this one. Sadly, I wasn't impressed. They were cakey type cookies and I like chewy more. The chocolate taste was good however and even though I didn't absolutely LOVE them I still ate too many.
The whoppers caramelizes while cooking, which was yummy. I think a cookie with whoppers and malt would be great if it had a different base. Maybe something more like Nestle's Chocolate Chip Cookie base.


  1. I wasn't a fan of these, either. But I'm hanging on for the creme brulée. ;)

  2. Your photo is great, fortunately, I loved these cookies! (or maybe unfortunately as my hips begin to widen..)

  3. Awesome pics of those cookies. Hopefully you like next week's better, right?

  4. Sorry these weren't a hit with you but your pics are great!

  5. I totally agree... a different base would have been much better! Your cookies look great, though!

  6. I'm with you...I ate too many and I didn't even LOVE them! Oh, well! Great pictures.

  7. Love the cookie garnish on the milk. Not one of my favorite recipes either, but not bad.

  8. What a great cookies with milk picture!

  9. i normally don't like cakey cookies either but i actually loved these :)
