Tuesday, September 2, 2008

TWD: Chunky Peanut Butter Oatmeal Chocolate Chipsters

It Tuesdays with Dorie- YAY!!! Today was a great recipe that went together quickly and baked up perfectly. There was A LOT of cookie dough here so I froze half of it for later and can't wait to try it again in a month or so.

I did make some changes to the recipe. I used all whole wheat flour instead of white, creamy peanut butter instead of chunky, and I used organic sugar in place of white sugar. I will definitely be putting this one in my favorites file to use again and again!

Note: No cookies were harmed in the construction of this delectable tower!


  1. I wanted to do whole wheat flour and a few other things, but I was already changing 2 things, and I thought my cookies had better bear some resemblance to the recipe! Nice tower!!

  2. Yum! Wish I'd thought about using whole wheat flour. Great idea!

  3. Hahah love that the cookies made it off the tower ok! They look great!

  4. Great looking cookies. I'm also looking forward to trying some of your pumpkin recipes. Everything looks delicious on your blog.

  5. Ha! Love your little note at the bottom. "No cookies were harmed ........"
    Great changes. After we made them we though " we should have used wheat flour!"
