Thursday, July 5, 2012

Garlicky Kale Pita Pizza

I wanted something filling and yummy for lunch and then I remembered a recipe that I copied off almost a year ago that I wanted to try. It called for goat cheese. Upon inspection of our goat cheese I knew that I would not be adding that to the recipe. Maybe next time. I headed out to the garden and picked some kale and the fun began. This ended up being so good. I was a little scared because of the kale. The last kale I had was really bitter. Maybe picking it straight from the garden helps that problem.

Garlicky Kale Pita Pizza

1 whole wheat pita
2 cloves garlic, minced
About 1-2 C kale, chopped
olive oil
Mozzarella cheese

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
Saute the garlic and kale in a little bit of olive oil until the kale is wilted.
On the pita spread just about 1 teaspoon of olive oil and then top with mozzarella cheese, however much you want.
Put the kale on top of the cheese and bake until the edges of the pita are browned and the cheese has melted.

SO GOOD! Next time we will try it with goat cheese.

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