Monday, November 28, 2011

Peanut Butter Popcorn!

This is so good that I am thinking I will make a huge batch of it and give it for gifts to teachers and friends. Basically I ate it for dinner tonight! Yum!

Peanut Butter Popcorn

2 (3.5 oz) pkgs of microwave popcorn, popped (I just light butter, but plain would be good as well)
1/2 C butter
3/4 C brown sugar
1/2 bag of small marshmallows
1/4 C peanut butter

Place popped corn in a large bowl.
In a saucepan combine the butter, brown sugar and small marshmallows. Cook until smooth. Remove from heat and add peanut butter, stirring until melted.
Pour the peanut butter mixture over the popcorn slowly, stirring to coat.

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