Friday, May 6, 2011

Curry Chicken Salad

About two weeks ago I went to lunch with my dear friend, Jenwood. We went to a place called Cadillac cafe. I decided to be adventurous and try something new. I got the Chicken Curry Salad and immediately fell in love. It was so incredibly good. That was on a Tuesday. By Friday I had thought about that salad so much that I took my husband and daughter there for lunch just so I could have it again. Probably not too high on the lowfat list but you can get all your days worth of veggies in one sitting. The price was a little too high for me to go and enjoy it often though. So with a little imagination and some ingredients I think we have something that is close enough to satisfy me!

Chicken Curry Salad

4 C lettuce
4 oz chicken, cooked and cubed
1 C grapes, halved
1/2 C chopped celery
1/2 C sliced red onion
1/4-1/2 C raw cashews- depending on how much crunch you like!

Curry dressing:
1/4 C mayo (I used my homemade mayo)
1/4 C buttermilk
1 Tbsp curry powder
dash of paprika
salt and pepper

Combine salad ingredients and then toss with the dressing.

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