Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Black Bean Soup

A few months ago we took the kids to one of my favorite hippie-type restaraunts in Anchorage: Middle Way Cafe. We ordered everyone food and then I chose the black bean soup with blue chips on the side. By the time our meal was completed the two youngest kids had eaten more of
my soup than I had. The only thing to do after that was try and copy the recipe.
At dinner tonight the kids both remembered eating it at the cafe and devoured all that was put in front of them.

Black Bean Soup

2 T olive oil
1 C diced onion
1 C grated carrots
1 C diced celery
1 C chopped bell pepper
4 minced garlic cloves
4 C black beans, drained and rinsed (I cooked 2 C dry beans)
4 C chicken broth (more if you want it thin and less chunky)
1 T chili powder
1/2 tsp cumin
1 tsp salt
1/4 tsp liquid hickory smoke

In a large sauce pan add oil and vegetables cooking until they sweat. Add the chicken broth, spices and beans. Stir to combine. Then take out more than half and put into a blender. Puree until desired consistency and then return to the pot. Heat through and then add the hickory smoke. Enjoy with your favorite blue chip!


  1. Delicious! All the peanuts in the peanut gallery enjoyed their eats.. All but the youngest, and he claimed I served him vegetable mud.
    If that's the case, it was the best veg. mud I have ever tasted! Thanks for posting the recipe.

  2. Not that I would eat veg. mud.
    Nor have I ever sampled veg. mud.
