Friday, July 24, 2009

Maple Glazed Pecans

I just realized that I didn't have this recipe here on the blog. I LOVE this one. It uses natural ingredients, tastes yummy, and makes a perfect snack. I believe I got the recipe from Ellie Kruger off of I have changed it a bit from the original though

Maple Glazed Pecans

2 C pecans halves
1/3 C 100% pure maple syrup
1/4 tsp salt

Put all ingredients in a non stick frying pan and cook over medium heat until the syrup is no longer runny but sticking to the nuts. Place on a plate to cool. They will harden as they cool. Then ENJOY!

1 comment:

  1. i love glazed pecans. I make them with water, brown sugar and pure vanilla extract. i like to add them to spinach and goat cheese salad. will soon try your recipe. looks delicious!
