Sunday, April 12, 2009

Empty Tomb Rolls

Every Easter we have a tradition of making Empty Tomb Rolls. The kids look forward to it every year. It represents the empty tomb on Easter morning. And they are yummy!!!

Empty Tomb Rolls

1 c. water

1 egg

2 T butter

3 1/4 c flour

1/4 c sugar

1 t salt

3 tsp yeast

12 marshmallows


cinnamon and sugar

Mix water, yeast, and sugar and wait 5 minutes. Add remaining ingredients. Let rise until double. Punch down and shape into rolls. Break into 12 pieces and put one large marshmallow in each roll. Making sure to seal the edges. Place in pan and brush on butter and then sprinkle cinnamon and sugar over them. Let rise again and then bake at 375 for about 20 minutes. The marshmallows melt making a hollow center! Makes 12 rolls.


  1. Mouth-watering soft bread goodness. YUM!

    Have a great day full of food inspiration. :)

    BTW-I love your about me statement!
