Tuesday, February 3, 2009

TWD: World Peace Cookies

Who doesn't love the combination of sugar, butter, and chocolate. The dough of these cookies was so incredibly good I wasn't sure it was going to make it into a baked cookie form.
Jessica of cookbook habit chose todays recipe. And it is probably one I will make again. The only change I made was that I used semisweet chips instead of the bittersweet chocolate called for. I have never really had a taste for bittersweet and these are super good with semi sweet.


  1. I used semi-sweet as well.

    We loved them.

  2. I made them with ss chocolate too, your cookies look great!

  3. These look GREAT! Don't you love the dough? I could have eaten that by itself! NIcely done!

  4. I can't wait to try these with different types of chocolate!

  5. Your WP cookies look wonderful. YUM!

  6. To bake or not to bake, that was the question. They are good both ways. Yours look yummy!
