Monday, December 8, 2008

TWD: Grandma's All Occasion Sugar Cookies

I have been out of the recipe making lately because we were moving. Moving is a pain. However, I now have a practically new double oven that won't make me cry every time I use it, so there will surely be more and more recipes coming from me.

I missed the TWD: Lintzer Sables last week. But I am making them this week as soon as I find some hazelnuts.

This week is Grandma's All Occasion Sugar Cookies. It was chosen by Ulrike. The recipe should be posted on the link in a day or two.

I am a sugar cookie snob so I wondered if this would be a recipe that I would only make once. I mixed up the dough and chilled, as required. I had my birthday girl, Makenna, help me roll and cut out the cookies in the shape of snow flakes. It is always so much fun doing cookies with the kids- except when I am doing it with all the kids and then that is a little much.

We baked the cookies and they were WONDERFUL!!! They were so good that they never even got frosted and sprinkled. This is a great recipe and doesn't make a HUGE amount like my other recipe.


  1. I love love love the snowflake shapes, and it looks like Makenna had a wonderful time baking with you. I agree - one or two kids in the kitchen at a time is about all I can take~

  2. Those are beautiful! Happy Birthday to you little girl!

  3. I like the cookies cutters. Nice work!

  4. We didn't frost or decorate ours, either! Too yummy.

  5. I agree, I thought they were delicious! Love the picture of your daughter :) I will definitely make these again
