Saturday, December 13, 2008

Buckeyes (aka peanut butter balls)

Every year around Christmas time my mom would start making candy. Then we would put together trays and go caroling as a family to deliver them. One candy she made that I absolutely adored (wait, I think I adored all of them...) was the buckeyes.
The tradition continues!


1 c. butter- softened

1 c. peanut butter

Powdered sugar

1 c. chocolate chips

1 T shortening

Mix together until it forms a stiff dough. Shape into 1" balls and freeze.

Melt chocolate chips and shortening in a double boiler and dip balls into chocolate. Cool in fridge.


  1. WOW! These look delicoius! Merry christmas =)

  2. Thanks for your comments on my blog! I LOVE you sis. Tracie - she is one of my favorite people. And my husband does remember you from years past!

    I love Buckeyes too. I think they were born in Ohio and I have an aunt who lives there that makes 400-500 every Christmas! YUM.

  3. I loved them too growing up. I still marvel sometimes now (that I'm in Ohio) that we have a buckeye tree right in the backyard. I never knew they were a real thing.

    Anyway, yours look terrific!
