Monday, November 17, 2008

TWD: Arborio Rice Pudding

Where has rice pudding been for the last 34 years? I am not a tapioca fan(a texture thing) so it never occurred to me that I would like rice pudding, but MAN was I wrong!!!!
I have made this pudding twice since Saturday- it's only Monday as I type.
My first try was as suggested in the book- 1/2 vanilla and 1/2 chocolate. Now I am a lover of chocolate, but I tasted the vanilla first and well, I don't think any other rendition could taste as good after that.
The simplicity of this recipe sold me. Isabelle from Les Gourmedes chose this recipe, but I fear that she will post it in French and so I will post it here. I hope I don't get in trouble for this. It is just so good that everyone should have it!

Arborio Rice Pudding
1/4 C rice, short grain (I used Calrose and not Arborio and it worked just fine)
2 C water
3 1/4 C milk (powdered milk even works- we used Morning Moo brand)
1/4 C sugar
1 T vanilla or 3 oz bittersweet chocolate

Par boil the rice in the 2 C water for 10 minutes and then drain. In a heavy saucepan combine the milk and sugar and bring to a boil. Once it has started to boil add the rice and lower the heat to a simmer. Simmer for 30 minutes stirring occasionally. Remove from the heat and put into a bowl. Add either your vanilla or chocolate. Place plastic wrap on the the top so it doesn't have a film on it when cool- or just put it in a bowl that has a lid, which is what we did and it worked great! Chill for 6 hours and then enjoy, Enjoy, ENJOY!!!!
This is going to be a new favorite at our house for years to come. I have kids snitching it out of the fridge!


  1. I totally agree - the simplicity is amazing, and the payoff is even better. Yours looks creamy and wonderful.

  2. Your rice pudding looks great. Perfectly creamy. YUM!

  3. Wow! Your pudding looks like it turned out really good! No wonder you made a couple of times.
