Tuesday, September 23, 2008

TWD: Dimply Plum Cake

Um...ya...NO! I figured that it is a good thing I joined TWD because there are recipes I would have NEVER tried if I hadn't, this being one of the first. Everything in me yelled out in protest at the look of the halved plums on top of the cake, but I proceeded forward.
I used Italian plums and only altered the recipe a little by adding a portion of whole wheat flour.
This is a cake I can safely proclaim that I will never make again. It was super dry and even the excessive amounts of cool whip didn't help.
I am glad I tried it though. Years ago I would have never, ever even attempted it. I liked what I liked and that was all I liked. I am glad I can experiment with new things now. Hopefully it makes me a better rounded person.


  1. I felt the same way at the beginning, and at the end. This one will be crossed off the list, but glad we tried making it!

  2. Did you try wrapping it up and leaving it until the next day? Mine became a lot more moist the second day, and I liked it better then.

  3. Mine tasted so much better the next day. Sorry it wasn't for you but it looks pretty!

  4. your cake is beautiful...though i agree that i did not care for it either
