Wednesday, August 20, 2008

A previous TWD that I HAD to try!

A few weeks ago the featured recipe for TWD was Blueberry Sour Cream Ice Cream and I just HAD to try it. I wish I could find the words to properly describe the smooth, velvet texture of this amazing ice cream. I am thinking I need to eat healthy every day of the month except TWD days because if the other recipes we make are as good as these first two I have tried I am going to easily gain 100 lbs this year alone- and this year is more than half over! lol

I altered the recipe a little because I wanted to double it, knowing that my family of 7 would need more than one batch. I am SO glad I did!

Here's my take on this smooth blueberry delight:

Blueberry Sour Cream Ice Cream

2 C blueberries
1/2 C lemon juice
pinch of salt
2/3 C sugar
3/4 C heavy Cream
3/4 C half and half
1 1/2 C sour cream (I used lite trying to offset the heavy cream or at least mentally give me a reason to eat more!)

In saucepan heat to boiling the berries, lemon juice, salt and sugar until the berries 'pop'. Transfer to a blender and blend until it is mostly smooth. Add the cream, half and half, and sour cream pulsing just until blended. Put in a bowl to chill in the fridge. When it is chilled put it in an ice cream maker and process. Once it has frozen up move it to the freezer to get hard enough to scoop out pretty solid scoops of ice cream. And enjoy with family and loved ones...because you might eat it all yourself if you don't!


  1. Wasn't this a yummy treat? I was a bit nervous about making the ice cream, but I'm glad I did. We really enjoyed it here. And you're so right about trying to eat healthy around TWD days. Everything is so good and the weight just sneaks up on you!

  2. What lovely ice cream! Welcome to TWD!

    The only thing I regret about joining TWD is that now I don't bake very much out of other cookbooks. We can't afford the extra calories! It's still been worth it.
