Saturday, July 26, 2008

Crepes w/ banana fluff and blueberries

My quest for good food without refined sugars continues. One thing I love to eat is crepes filled with cream cheese filling and fruit. So I had to find something else to fill the crepes with since the cream cheese filling is usually filled with sugar. Although I do have a cream cheese honey mixture I might try next time. This breakfast was delicious and filling. The banana fluff was just that- fluffy! And the protein from the egg whites filled me up. It was really good. Crepes
1 C flour (as always I did 1/2 white, 1/2 wheat)
1 T sugar (I used agave nectar this time and it worked great)
¼ tsp salt
1 ½ C milk
2 large eggs, beaten
Cooking spray

Combine dry ingredients in a bowl. Whisk in milk and eggs until smooth. Chill 15 min. Bake in crepe pan. Makes about 10 crepes.
Banana Fluff
1 lg egg white, room temperature- if it's not room temp it takes a lot longer to do this.
1 T frozen apple juice concentrate
1 lg ripe banana, mashed
1 T lemon juice
Beat egg white until frothy and then add the apple juice slowly. Mix well. Combine the banana and lemon juice together and then add to the egg mixture. Beat to stiff peaks. Makes 8-1/4 C servings
Cal- 32

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