Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Applesauce Muffins

I remembered I had purchased a cookbook a while back that was 20% off at Barnes and Noble that I had barely looked at. And since I am trying to eat better and feed my family more healthy foods I remembered this book and thought I would take a look at it. It is called Deceptively Delicious by Jessica Seinfeld. So the other night as Matt watched TV I read this cookbook. It is brilliant! I wrote down more than a few recipes that I wanted to try and this morning tried the Applesauce Muffin recipe. I can't put the recipe here because of copyright purposes though.
My review of these muffins: They were light and very moist. You couldn't even taste the carrot that was pureed in them, but it gave them a beautiful golden color. I will definitely be making these again.
I will feature recipes from this book over the next several weeks so perhaps if more than just a few are good you might want to purchase it and deceive your family with healthier foods too!

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